Helping organisations develop their capability for a different way of working.
Treehouse for Hybrid Working
The pandemic has bust the myth that the defence sector is universally different to other workplaces when it comes to more flexible and remote working. In March 2020 we were told to “work from home if you can”, defence and defence sector supply chain organisations responded quickly and most have successfully made the transition to remote working.
Hybrid Working is here to stay
Many are spotting that there are benefits to a mix of office/site and home working and it looks like the hybrid working experiment may be a trend set to stay. So, what do organisations need to do to be match fit for hybrid working? Who is leading the thinking and what are the main success factors?
In the Treehouse we have been discussing these topics with new and existing clients and think that action needs to happen at three levels: organisation; manager and teams to build a hybrid working model that delivers business results and meets customer, supplier and staff needs.
Your Hybrid Working Training Needs
We have pulled together some tools, courses and resources below to help you explore how ready your organisation and workforce are for hybrid working. If you’re not sure where to start, our Training Needs Assessment will help you identify your organisation’s readiness for hybrid working and then provide the recommendations for where to focus your efforts.
Hybrid Working: Diagnostic
How do you rate your capability to support Hybrid Working?
Hybrid Working Tools
Where are you on your hybrid working capability? No one has all the answers, there isn’t going to be one size fits all. Identify, in just 5 minutes, where the gaps are and what to do about them.
Leaders Diagnostic
Managers Diagnostic
Team Members Diagnostic
HYBRID Working Courses
Courses tailored for different roles across your organisation. Take the test above to see where you or your organisation sits and what course suits your situation.
Hybrid working for Team Members
Hybrid Working for Managers
Hybrid Working for Business Leaders
EXAMPLE Hybrid Working Programmes
See some examples of tailored Hybrid Working programmes we have put together for other organisations.
Not sure?
If you’re not sure where to start, our Management Training Needs Diagnostic will help you identify what your organisation’s current management capability is and then provide a growth plan for improvement.
Hybrid Working Articles
HyBrid Working: IS IT the NEW NORM?
COVID-19 forced remote working to be the norm for many people, but once it passes, will it stay?
The Implications of Hybrid Working
For many UK workers, some activities during a typical day lend themselves to remote work, while the rest of their tasks require their on-site physical presence.
Hybrid Working whitepaper:
Hybrid Working: Implications for Organisational Readiness for the Defence Sector
Treehouse embarked on a research project involving new and existing clients and have concluded there are 7 complications around Hybrid Working that organisations need to explore.
Hybrid Working - Get in touch
Fill out the form below if you want to know more about our Hybrid Working programme.
We'll get back to you with more information and some dates and times for a quick call.