To create Marvellous Managers and Legendary Leaders.
Manager’s Development Programme
This programme transforms your organisation’s management and leadership capability by building the contribution of each of your people – this enables your organisation to fulfil its purpose, make an impact and succeed. Put simply, it creates Marvellous Managers and Legendary Leaders!
The first step of any leadership and management development programme is to identify who needs what. Treehouse’s Capability Diagnostic and Growth Plan is simple, cost-effective, and objective.
Once you have a clear view of your team’s capability and development needs, we are ready to activate the plan to develop your managers and leaders.
“The programme has had a dramatic impact on people; developing them from managers to capable leaders who are making a real difference. Truly valuing contribution; setting direction, not telling, creating engagement, developing others and leading with authenticity & humility.”
How does the Programme work?
Here is an example Development Programme – it is constructed from the building blocks of 1:1 executive coaching, training (1:1 or group, online, virtual or hybrid formats), Action Learning Sets, personality profiles, and further reading or even TED talks.
Classroom training topics are carefully curated for each manager or leader from our catalogue of training courses which is based on the themes from the Contribution Curve. Here are some examples:
Thinking – the Manager’s Mindset; the Power of a Coaching Mindset; The Collaborative Mindset
Setting Direction – Purpose, Impact, Way and Team Charter; SMART objectives; Meaningful Goals
Key Relationships – Stakeholder Mapping; Using Insights to Understand Myself and Others; Collaboration Skills
Planning and Co-ordinating – Investing your Time Wisely; Facilitating Better Meetings; Enabling Simplicity
Generating Engagement – Influencing without Authority; Storytelling; Advanced Communication
Innovation and Change – The Five Stages of Innovation; the 4Rs of Innovation (Respect, Reciprocity, Responsibility, Reflection)
My Learning and Development – Giving and Receiving Feedback; Personal Sustainability; Gravitas and Personal Brand
Developing Others – Coaching Skills for Line Managers; Ingredients of a Good 1:1; Courageous Conversations.
Why is the managers’ development programme personalised?
It delivers the highest possible ROI.
The Programme adapts to fit your needs
An Agile Programme (one where we learn and adapt) gives the quickest, most effective development for leaders and managers, and the best return on investment for the organisation.
A manager or leader tracks their progress with us as the programme unfolds, with the Diagnostic being retaken every quarter. It may be that new inputs are used (such as a personality profile or future job description) or a simple refresh of the existing inputs.
The Growth plan is reviewed and adjusted in conversation with each participant.
Maximising Programme ROI
We also meet with programme sponsors, including the line manager of the individual, to discuss the proposed changes and then make decisions to maximise the return on investment in the programme. Note that we always respect and preserve the confidentiality of the coaching conversations with individuals.
For example, some managers may only require a ‘light touch’ to trigger advancement in their capability, a bit like lighting the blue touchpaper of a firework, minimal investment can trigger a significant performance improvement and they start catalysing change across their working environment.
In others, it might be the other end of the scale where we simply just need to test to see if individuals are suited to manager roles or not.
The bulk of the programme participants will be somewhere in the middle (or the Mighty Middle as we call it). This is where it is worth most of the effort and investment to move individuals up the Contribution Curve through their growth plans.
Why is this manager development programme so powerful?
- It's EFFECTIVE – we have fine-tuned the recipe to give your organisation maximum improvement for your investment, and the results are impressive.
- It's TARGETED – every programme is tailored to your manager’s needs; the diagnostic identifies the training needs of each participant.
- It's AGILE – the programme is adapted as we go along to ensure the best results - we review each person’s progress and adjust in real-time.
- It's WELL-FOUNDED - the Contribution Curve provides sound, well-researched underpinning.
What will the management programme be like?
- It's serious fun – highly interactive, enjoyable and refreshing, with just the right balance of support and challenge.
- Target Audience: Leaders, managers and team leaders, especially in departments, groups or project teams who work together regularly.
- Duration subscribe for a minimum of 1 year – the programme is available for a cost-effective monthly fee starting from as little as £500/ month.
Register your interest:
Drop us a line and let us know if a Management Development Programme is just what your organisation needs.
We'll get back to you with more information and some dates and times for a conversation.