Why Generating Engagement Within an Organisation Matters
Building Engagement
Line managers have the greatest influence and impact on their employees’ experience of work. How managers generate engagement with their employees touches nearly every aspect of team performance and dynamics. Managers that practise positive engagement with their teams create a more enjoyable, productive, and successful work environment. It also exerts a magnetic pull, attracting others within the company to join the team.
The Link Between Team Engagement and Business Outcomes
There are several compelling reasons why managers should develop this aspect of leadership:
1. Boosts Productivity:
Engaged employees are more productive because they feel a connection to their work and how they contribute to the company’s goals.
2. Enhances Team Collaboration:
Engagement helps to build an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing ideas, contributing, and working together.
3. Improves Employee Satisfaction and Retention:
Engaged employees are more satisfied with their work and are less likely to leave the organisation.
4. Facilitates Better Communication:
By engaging with their employees, managers create open lines of communication. This allows for feedback, concerns, and ideas to flow freely, which leads to continuous improvement and innovation.
5. Encourages Personal and Professional Growth:
Managers who actively engage with their employees provide opportunities for growth and development. They recognise potential and help team members advance their skills and careers.
6. Aligns Team with Organisational Goals:
Engagement helps to align the team with the broader organisational objectives. Managers who encourage engagement ensure that everyone understands their part in achieving these goals, creating a more unified contribution.
7. Builds Trust and Loyalty:
By investing time and effort in engagement, managers build trust and loyalty with their team, creating a more positive and supportive work environment.
8. Impacts the Bottom Line:
Research has shown that engaged teams perform better, have greater retention rates, and attract talent to the team. This in turn contributes to the overall success and profitability of the company.
Building Stronger Teams Through Active Engagement
Generating engagement with employees is not just beneficial but essential for managers in today’s competitive business landscape. Engagement is the lifeblood of a healthy workplace culture. Managers who prioritise engagement contribute to an atmosphere where employees feel valued, respected, and part of something meaningful. It also contributes to the manager's personal development as a leader. This is why forward-thinking companies are investing in empowering their managers with the tools, knowledge, and skills to ignite engagement.
Introducing the Contribution Curve - a management and leadership competency framework that offers invaluable insights and guidance. This framework empowers managers and their teams to become top contributors within their organisations. The Contribution Curve consists of five levels, each representing an ascending level of managerial proficiency. As managers ascend the curve, their impact on the organisation's success amplifies. With their growing ability to make a positive difference, both they and their team flourish.
Generating Engagement Skills at the 5 Levels of Contribution
Generating Engagement capability at the 5 levels of Contribution
Reacting: The reacting manager doesn’t think ahead and only notices when their team goes above and beyond after the event. These managers do acknowledge the late nights and hard work. However, their recognition comes as a spur-of-the-moment 'thanks for saving the day' rather than proactive appreciation.
Controlling: Meet the Controlling Manager, they are observant and appreciative when an employee dives deeper and delivers unexpectedly good outcomes. This manager has grasped that not all their team members are cut from the same cloth. Recognising the differences, they adjust their communication styles; whether it's choosing a call over an email or giving succinct updates instead of a detailed rundown. This manager is still mastering the art of engagement but is on the journey of understanding that every team member is unique.
See the Venn diagram here with three intersecting circles: one represents the individual's attributes – their skills knowledge and motivation, another the role's profile, and the third the business needs/goals. The "sweet spot" at the intersection of these circles is the goal. For the directing manager, the goal is to ensure the right person is matched with the right role and driving towards the organisation's mission. Achieving this creates immense engagement, ensuring both personal fulfilment for the employee and business success. Yet, surprisingly, many overlook this essential alignment during succession planning and recruitment.
Directing: The directing manager shines at personalised communication, keenly tuning into each team member's unique strengths and motivations. They recognise the importance of finding the balance between an individual’s skills, knowledge, and motivation, the specific requirements of a role, and the overarching needs of the business.
Facilitating: The facilitating manager thrives on recognising and celebrating each team member's unique contribution, developing an environment where collective outcomes and individual efforts are equally praised. This approach transforms the team into a cohesive, magnetic unit. They are united together by camaraderie, shared successes, and a culture of respect. This magnetism is seen and felt by outsiders to the team, they want to be part of this harmonious and successful team. The benefit to the facilitating manager is immense, not only does this magnetism retain talent, it attracts people to want to join the team, simplifying recruitment and bolstering retention. Key to a facilitating manager’s approach is the emphasis on constructive, focused conversations that pinpoint impactful strategies and outcomes.
Leading: Managers at this level are focused on long-term customer and supplier collaborations to benefit the organisation so that it is an investable organisation that’s fit for the future. Imagine a Venn diagram where customer needs, organisational purpose, and individual motivation intersect.
Ramp up contribution in your organisation
We have helped many organisations to increase the amount of contribution they make towards achieving the company’s vision, mission and goals. Why not get in touch to find out more and see how our Contribution programme can help your organisation?
Management Development Programme
A capability diagnostic and growth plan for your managers:
Our Management Development Programme has helped many of our clients to transform their management and leadership capability by building the contribution of each of their people. This has enabled organisations to fulfil their purpose, make an impact and achieve sustained contribution, value, and success.
Take a look at our programme and find out how we can help your organisation.