Case Studies

Case Studies

Helping organisations with their operational goals

How we’ve helped organisations to collaborate, innovate and integrate to achieve their operational goals. Using both in-class and online training methods we’ve transformed the way people work together.

DSTL - Developing Future Concepts

A facilitated workshop to develop concepts for Defence beyond the next generation

The Empowerment of Women AT Barts Health NHS Trust

A programme to support women in removing obstacles in their working lives to help them to thrive and be effective at work.

Inspiring Integrators

The Inspiring Integrators Programme was designed for BAE to help anyone in a role that relied on effective coordination and collaboration across multiple disciplines including Systems Engineers, Project Managers, Solutions Architects and Lead Engineers.

Painting a Picture with Treeangle

How the visioning technique helped in Scrum

Ministry of Defence

Enabling teams to innovate and to facilitate innovation in others.


Increasing the amount of contribution of teams to the company’s vision, mission and goals.

Simmons & Simmons

Equipping newly promoted staff with the non-technical skills required in their new roles.


Facilitating an operating model for collaboration and innovation in the supply chain network.

DSTL - Investment Priorities Workshop

Reassessing their division’s priorities due to sudden changes in the economy

Met Office - Future Operations

A workshop to explore future operating models and their impact.

Daiichi-Sanko Strategy Away Day

Making connections, defining purpose, impact and way

Dstl - Future Fictions

An innovation workshop to bringing to life the value of futures insights.

Imaginate Case Study

How we successfully used Imaginate to help Dstl define generation-after-next concepts for defence.