Facilitating Strategy Away Days
Facilitating distraction-free sessions offsite, allowing your team to collaborate, think, share and connect.
Strategy Away DaYs
Stepping back and looking at things in a different way
“In strategy, it is important to see distant things as if they were close and to take a distanced view of close things” - Miyamoto Musashi, legendary Japanese swordsman.
Sometimes one of the best ways to do this is to have a team away day, and with the rise of hybrid working, getting the team together regularly to collaborate, think, share and connect is vital for both the success of the organisation and the motivation of the people on which that success relies. Here are some examples of what you might want to cover at an away day:
To create or redefine the purpose of the organisation or team and everyone’s role in that purpose.
To define the strategy for how to win in your chosen market.
To update the assumptions that inform your plans.
To determine what’s important and what’s not and reallocate tasks within a team.
To get a team to do something better, or to improve how a team operates.
To create innovation and continuous improvement.
To plan bid responses.
Getting the team together in this way, and usually taking them off site enables the team to focus on the challenge and minimise the usual distractions that happen in the office and home office.
In addition, by focusing the team for a day or two allows space for creativity, reflection, alignment and decision-making.
What’s more this type of session can offer great team-building opportunities as team members work with different people, and possibly think about topics outside of their normal work area.
Using external help from professional facilitators
Using an external facilitator can help you get the most out of these sessions, using their expertise to create an environment for the team to share different perspectives and collaborate.
Treehouse’s skilled facilitators work with you to agree on the challenge to be addressed in the session.
They then design and develop an interactive session which will maximise the participation of your team.
During the session they use their facilitation skills to keep the team on track, making sure that discussions are productive and generate great ideas.
They ensure that all outputs such as ideas and action plans are well captured so you can use them back in the office.
Our team of facilitators has over 10,000 hours of experience, so you can trust us to deliver engaging, impactful and productive sessions.
So if you’re looking for a helping hand to manage your strategic away days, get in touch below!
Facilitating Strategy Away Days
Facilitating Innovation