The Futures programme in DSTL develops concepts for Defence beyond the next generation.
A FacIlitated Workshop for DSTL
Developing future concepts for future generations
The Futures programme in DSTL develops concepts for Defence beyond the generation after next, to help the UK maintain its strategic advantage into the future. The brief for this project was to help develop an Approach that would consistently generate new game-changing Futures concepts: Game-changing, meaning that concepts have the ability to transform Defence beyond the generation after the next, and consistently meaning that the Approach would be able to deliver game-changing concepts time and again.
To deliver this project we used Treehouse’s 4D test-and-learn methodology:
We interviewed Dstl staff and attended triage sessions to Diagnose what works well and what needs improvement.
Using the insight gained during our diagnosis we Developed a new Approach, addressing the issues that had been identified. The Approach is based on the idea of a 3-step “concept development sprint” using virtual and face-to-face creative workshops, using creative thinkers and concept visualisers to bring different ideas that will be developed into concepts. We tested the Approach using Dstl information and gathered feedback from the participants to refine it.
Having finalised the Approach based on the feedback received, we ran a second sprint to Deliver real Defence concepts. Once again we used Dstl information and gathered feedback to make any final refinements.
We Documented the Approach and produced an imaginative, visual artefact to bring it to life and enable Dstl to roll it out across their Futures team.
In total we delivered 4 concepts, and they were all judged to be sufficiently interesting to take through to the next stage. The professionalism and dedication of the team was acknowledged by Dstl, who said that the Approach could have a major impact on delivering concepts for the Futures team, and wider Dstl in the future.
“Treehouse considered the brief, took time to understand the underlying need, and proposed an ambitious yet pragmatic approach to address the need.
As the project progressed, lessons were identified. Treehouse were willing to adapt the plan to take account of these lessons, resulting in even better outputs within the original timescales.
They were invited to present the outputs in novel and engaging ways, which they did. Treehouse delivered to time and budget, and their recommendations were being implemented within days. Treehouse are a pleasure to work with.”