It’s about team success, not team location
our working future has changed
The pandemic turned the world of work on its head and overnight companies had to enable everyone to work from home. It wasn’t an option; it was a business imperative that had to happen, and IT departments pulled out all the stops and made it happen.
The pandemic may have started as a destructive force, but it showed us what could be achieved. Future digital and business transformation plans became reality almost overnight. Businesses had to reframe the concept of work and ask themselves, is the value of what staff achieve based on what they do or where they do it?
Pre-Covid resistance to flexible working
Prior to Covid, many businesses were hesitant to implement a flexible working policy over concerns that productivity would decline. The pandemic forced a global work from home experiment and the outcome was that productivity didn’t fall off a cliff as many companies had feared. It proved the age-old adage that work is something we do, not somewhere we go. Irrespective of location, teams performed, and work got done.
Hybrid working will likely be the default mode for many companies in the post-Covid environment. The transition from everyone working remotely to a hybrid arrangement may take some getting used to for leaders, managers and team members. At Treehouse we have seen an uptick in requests from organisations trying to find their way in the new normal and it’s a subject we have been discussing with new and existing clients.
Vision into action
Hybrid working is more than just working anywhere, it’s about embracing a vision for what the future of work can truly be. It requires action to happen at three levels: organisation; manager and teams coming together to build a hybrid working model that delivers business results and meets customer, supplier and staff needs. At Treehouse we have developed programmes to help your business to adapt. We have short programmes that focus on leaders, and longer ones to support managers or team members.
The great thing about working with Treehouse is that you can choose from standard elements like our Onboarding in the Hybrid Working Era module and then customise your learning journey with modules such as Executive Coaching, Action Learning Sets, or a specially tailored module. We will work with you to design and deliver a programme that enables your workforce to thrive in the hybrid work environment.
Example Hybrid Working Programmes
Training programmes to help organisations adapt and increase their capability for Hybrid Work.
Seize the opportunity
Whether your company labels it hybrid work or remote work, the important fact is it’s just work. When teams perform cohesively, they deliver results and meet expectations, a poorly functioning team doesn’t, irrespective of location. The pendulum is unlikely to swing back to how things were pre-pandemic. Hybrid working is a positive leap forward that empowers people to do their job in a way that works for everyone. It puts the focus on team achievement and business success not on presenteeism.
According to a study by the Centre for Economic and Business Research, flexible work would allow almost 4 million parents, carers and disabled people currently locked out from work to re-enter the workforce. It would enable part-time workers to do more hours and could add £48.3bn to the UK economy each year.
Companies have endured disruption and survived, now is the time to develop hybrid work models and thrive. By building on existing business resilience, you can ensure your organisation is always ready for whatever comes next.