An expertly facilitated workshop dramatically improves efficiency and engagement. It can turn unproductive talking shops into engaging, interactive working sessions that deliver specified outcomes quickly and to a high quality.
Innovation and Change Management Theme > Enabling and Facilitating Innovation > Workshop Facilitation Course
Course Description
An expertly facilitated workshop dramatically improves efficiency and engagement. It can turn unproductive talking shops into engaging, interactive working sessions that deliver specified outcomes quickly and to a high quality.
It has a very high return on investment – one of our clients received a 100% ROI; the budget they spent on the skilled facilitation resulted in delivering the outcomes in half the time it would normally have taken, saving budget on the participants’ time to attend the workshop. It soon mounts up when you have plenty of senior people in the room!
Imagine being able to run workshops that save time whilst generating superb outcomes. It’s a Win-Win!
Facilitation is a skill that can be learned; a capability that can be developed and held in-house for use every day. Treehouse are the facilitation trainers for DSTL (the Defence Science and Technology Lab) for whom solving very tricky problems is a matter of national security! If you would rather out-source facilitation, please get in touch.
Facilitation skills can be used in any meeting or workshop, and it can be conducted virtually, face to face or a hybrid of the two.
What topics are covered?
Our courses are tailored to your needs by selecting from a list of tools, each of which is an individual topic and takes about an hour. Each tool generally covers one key management skill, behaviour or attribute, is accompanied by a toolcard (which builds up to create a personalised toolkit) and uses our Tell-Show-Do experiential learning methodology.
You can select from the list of tools below to create learning that is just right for your needs or get in touch with one of our trainers to help design and curate the right programme for your team.
There are 69 tools in our Facilitation Toolkit and here is a selection of the most popular. More can be found in the Facilitating Meetings training.
Your custom Meeting Facilitation Toolkit:
Choose from:
1. Facilitation Tips
What exactly is facilitation anyway? Find out here. Then learn the 6 top tips for facilitating, such as asking powerful questions and managing energy. These tips are the foundation for all facilitation.
2. Ground Rules
Six simple ground rules are introduced at the start of every workshop to ensure everyone agrees a constructive way of working together and to set off on the right foot. It allows you, the facilitator, to call out poor behaviour, manage disruptors more easily and highlight and reward good behaviour - who doesn’t love the recognition of a gold star? These rules are the foundation for all workshops.
3. Creating A Flow
Structure frees creativity – planning a workshop includes thinking about who to invite for their expertise as well as how the team will blend, and thinking about which combination of tools will help the people answer the question to achieve the workshop outcomes. This tool helps you plan the most effective and enjoyable session possible.
4. Seed VS Actionable Idea
How many workshops have you been to where you’ve had loads of fun but when you look back at the output, there aren’t really many ideas there?! The trick is to push people to generate actionable not just seed ideas using this tool.
5. Post-it Protocol
If it doesn’t get written down, it doesn’t get captured. Enable your people to capture ideas and solutions so they can be easily read, understood and harvested using this protocol.
6. Button Sculpting
This tool helps people have a productive conversation about emotionally charged or complex situations to end up with a common understanding of one another’s perspective so that they are ready to create helpful, new solutions. An unusual yet powerful tool.
7. Related World
Our single most powerful tool. A structured way to be inspired by how others have answered a similar question and then to apply it to your situation. Requires strong facilitation skills and lots of practise, but well worth it!
8. Challenging Assumptions
When you are in a situation you cannot see the underlying assumptions that might be holding you back. This tool helps you uncover and challenge them to create transformational change.
9. Failure Spot
Like a pre-mortem, this tool helps people spot what might make a solution fail – its weak points. Then you can set about improving, mending or avoiding them.
10. Make-Talk-Make
A structured rapid-prototyping tool that makes your solutions more robust through testing and learning. Bring your best Blue Peter skills to the table!
11. Clustering
Loads of ideas? This tool helps people navigate myriad ideas to be able to prioritise then work with the best.
12. Habit Stacking
Learn how to stack new habits alongside old ones so that you generate personal change and actually do what you want to!
How long is the course?
It depends on how many units you selected from the list above! Each unit takes about an hour, with extra time for an introduction, any breaks that are needed and a wrap-up. Choose one unit or add them together - three units make up half a day, and five or six units make a full day.
What can you expect?
Interactive, thought-provoking training that can be virtual, face-to-face or a hybrid of the two. We use a variety of methods to create learning that sticks: from videos to activities and exercises in groups or individually, to e-learning, to further reading.
As a result of implementing the Workshop Facilitation tools, here’s what managers will be doing:
- I run workshops that solve tricky questions to deliver high quality ideas and solutions quickly, effectively and enjoyably.
- My workshops deliver exceptional return on investment.
- My workshops are well attended, bring together the right people, have a well-defined question and plan, and use the right tools to make the most of all the brains in the room.
Register your interest:
Drop us a line and let us know if a Workshop Facilitation Course is just what you need.
We'll get back to you with more information and some dates and times for a quick call.