Facilitating Better Meetings is a skill that can be easily learned through our self-paced training modules.
Innovation and Change Management Theme > Enabling and Facilitating Innovation > Facilitating Better Meetings Course
FAcilitating Better Meetings
Course Description
Ineffective meetings cost the UK economy £45bn per year, with untold damage done to team morale and engagement.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. Imagine if all your meetings were productive and made the best use of everyone's time to achieve your objectives? Wouldn't that be great? This module will help everyone who runs meetings plan and deliver the right meeting with the right people to make clear progress towards a well-defined outcome.
Facilitating Better Meetings is a skill that can be easily learned and with practice, the tools we train will help you leverage the collective brainpower of your people and achieve your organisation’s objectives.
This course will help you develop the skills to make your meetings both engaging and productive and ultimately save your organisation money.
What topics Are covered?
Our courses are tailored to your needs by selecting from a list of tools, each of which is an individual topic and takes about an hour. Each tool generally covers one key management skill, behaviour or attribute, is accompanied by a toolcard (which builds up to create a personalised toolkit) and uses our Tell-Show-Do experiential learning methodology.
You can select from the list of tools below to create learning that is just right for your needs or get in touch with one of our trainers to help design and curate the right programme for your team.
Your custom Meeting Facilitation Toolkit:
Choose from:
1. Facilitation Tips
What exactly is facilitation anyway? Find out here. Then learn the 6 top tips for facilitating, such as asking powerful questions and managing energy. These tips are the foundation for all facilitation.
2. Ground Rules
Six simple ground rules are introduced at the start of every meeting to ensure everyone agrees a constructive way of working together and to set off on the right foot. It allows you, the facilitator, to call out poor behaviour and manage disruptors more easily and highlight and reward good behaviour - who doesn’t love the recognition of a gold star? These rules are the foundation for all meetings.
3. The Five Elements of Effective Meetings
A successful meeting uses five elements – this tool enables you to identify the purpose, goal, approach, contributors and structure of the meeting. Once learned, use this quick checklist to ensure your meetings are a blend of efficient, engaging and deliver what you need.
4. Laddering
A tool that asks ‘why’ of the question to ensure the question is not a symptom rather than a root cause. This tool helps you think broadly as well as deeply about the question to ensure your resources are deliberately focused in the right place.
5. Defining
If you know where you’re headed, you stand a decent chance of getting there. This tool helps the people in the meeting define the question they are trying to answer so they each have a common understanding and are ready to answer it.
6. Visioning
What does good looks like? Learn how to gather the whole team’s thoughts using various creative media. No artistic skills necessary, in fact, it’s better if you can’t draw!
7. Scoping
A simple tool which resolves the often vastly differing opinions of what is in and out of scope of the question.
8. Magic Wand
A liberating tool that has everyone think about ‘what if…?’. Quick and enjoyable, always a crowd pleaser and always gets good results.
9. Low Hanging Fruit
A tool that enables the group to prioritise the solutions they have generated to decide which ones they want to take forward and why.
How long is the course?
It depends on how many units you selected from the list above! Each unit takes about an hour, with extra time for an introduction, any breaks that are needed and a wrap-up. Choose one unit or add them together - three units make up half a day, and five or six units make a full day.
What can you expect?
Interactive, thought-provoking training that can be virtual, face-to-face or a hybrid of the two. We use a variety of methods to create learning that sticks: from videos to activities and exercises in groups or individually, to e-learning, to further reading.
As a result of implementing the Meeting Facilitation tools, here’s what managers will be doing:
- I maximise participation to improve the effectiveness of meetings – both virtual and face-to-face.
- I confidently design and run collaborative, interactive, working sessions using suitable tools.
- If run fewer, better meetings with improved outcomes and higher engagement.
Register your interest:
Drop us a line and let us know if a Facilitating Meetings Programme is just what you need.
We'll get back to you with more information and some dates and times for a quick call.