Collaboration - The Importance of Trust COURSE
Explore the importance of trust in the collective results of the team.
Key Relationships Theme > Collaboration, The Importance of Trust Course
Collaboration, The Importance of Trust COURSE
Course Description
There’s a strong business case for organisations to foster cultures of trust. According to the research, high-trust companies report 74% less stress, 106% more energy at work, 50% higher productivity, 76% more engagement, 29% more satisfaction with their lives, and 40% less burnout compared to people at low-trust companies. (Paul Zak, The neuroscience of trust, HBR, 2017)
Collaboration is the act of working with someone to produce something. Sounds simple enough but there’s a lot to unpack here and at the root of it all is the quality of the relationships we have with others. We’ve all heard and probably used the saying, ‘Teamwork makes the dream work’. The ‘dream’ or ‘high-performing teams’ are the ones that work together effectively because people have built trusting relationships.
This module explores the importance of trust in the collective results of the team. It will help you identify what you need to pay attention for in teams and understand why prioritising the task and not investing in relationships and focusing on connections may be causing your team to underperform.
What topics are covered?
Our courses are tailored to your needs by selecting from a list of tools, each of which is an individual topic and takes about an hour. Each tool generally covers one key management skill, behaviour or attribute, is accompanied by a toolcard (which builds up to create a personalised toolkit) and uses our Tell-Show-Do experiential learning methodology.
You can select from the list of tools below to create learning that is just right for your needs or get in touch with one of our trainers to help design and curate the right programme for your team.
Your custom Collaboration and Trust Toolkit:
Choose from:
1. The Five Dysfunctions of a Team
This tool covers The Five Dysfunctions of a Team from the author of the best selling book of the same title, Patrick Lencioni. This explains the relationship between trust and achieving great results as a team.
3. Sharing Expectations
This tool explores some of the key customers you work with and how sharing expectations will enhance mutual trust and effective collaboration.
2. The Trust Equation
For people who like facts, logic and structure, we also introduce the trust equation. This tool provides a helpful framework for breaking down the concept of ‘trust’ into different attributes to help people consider how they can build their “trustworthiness”.
How long is the course?
It depends on how many units you selected from the list above! Each unit takes about an hour, with extra time for an introduction, any breaks that are needed, and a wrap-up. Choose one unit or add them together - three units make up half a day, and five or six units make a full day.
What can you expect?
Interactive, thought-provoking training that can be virtual, face-to-face or a hybrid of the two. We use a variety of methods to create learning that sticks: from videos to activities and exercises in groups or individually, to e-learning, to further reading.
As a result of implementing the Collaboration and Trust tools, here’s what managers will be doing:
- understanding why building trust relationships is critical to high performance.
- identifying what they need to pay attention for in their teams.
- being aware to take the required action to improve relationships and collaboration.
Register your interest:
Drop us a line and let us know if a Collaboration: The Importance of Trust Course is just what you need for your team.
We'll get back to you with more information and some dates and times for a quick call.
Uncertain on what Course?
If you’re not sure where to start, our Manager/Leader Capability Diagnostic identifies and recommends the learning and development your managers need to fulfil their current role and future aspirations.