How to increase your own headspace, develop coaching skills and grow the capability of your organisation.
Thinking Theme > Coaching Mindset
Coaching Mindset Course
Coaching Skills for Line Managers
Course Description
It can be tempting for managers to stay inside the comfort zone of their existing skills and subject matter knowledge (which usually aren’t management-related). The biggest developmental leap they need to make is to be able to let go. Great managers have a coaching mindset which means they know their people are resourceful and that it’s their job to increase that resourcefulness. They know how to delegate and offer thoughtful development opportunities in order to build the overall talent and capability of their team. In turn, this creates the headspace to focus on things only the manager can see and do from their more strategic management position.
Being brilliant at work takes courage. Sometimes direct reports will continue to bring problems and ask for reassurance. The coaching mindset will ensure managers have the right skills to ask the right questions to get their people thinking and learning rather than telling their direct reports what to do. This approach builds engagement and self-sufficiency, rather than risking dependence and resistance, creating a culture of empowerment and accelerated learning.
What topics are covered?
Our courses are tailored to your needs by selecting from a list of tools, each of which is an individual topic and takes about an hour. Each tool generally covers one key management skill, behaviour or attribute, is accompanied by a toolcard (which build up to create a personalised toolkit) and uses our Tell-Show-Do experiential learning methodology.
Select from the list of tools below to create learning that is just right for your needs or get in touch with one of our trainers to help design and curate the right programme for your team.
1. What is the Coaching Mindset?
Explore different types of manager mindsets and how these differ from a coaching mindset. Understand the multitude of benefits, to individual managers, direct reports and organisations, of adopting a coaching mindset and start the transformative journey of learning to ask not tell.
2. Getting to know your People
Adopting a coaching mindset, listening and delegating effectively are all easier when managers take time to get to know their people on a human level. Everyone is different and even a coaching mindset needs to be flexed, depending on the person and the situation at hand.
3. Parent - Adult - Child Model
An effective coaching mindset relies on managers being self-aware and being able to stay in ‘Adult’ mode. An understanding of the Parent - Adult – Child model, also known as Transactional Analysis, supports effective interpersonal relationships in the workplace. We give an introduction to the model and work through practical scenarios. ‘A-ha’ moments are guaranteed!
4. Delegating Effectively
What to delegate and how to delegate; assessing trustworthiness and competence in choosing who to delegate to; knowing when to take a risk and moving away from all-or-nothing thinking. ‘It’s quicker to do it myself’ is rarely a good choice for a manager.
5. Active Listening
A coaching mindset requires good listening skills. Managers will learn about the different levels of listening and what it means to listen with eyes and heart as well as ears and head. Also covers techniques for helpful listening.
6. Asking Powerful Questions
Understand how and when to use different types of questions to support the engagement and development of individual team members. Managers will learn to avoid common questioning traps and will consider how to select the best types of questions for different types of management conversations.
7. Creating an ongoing feedback loop
A coaching mindset is collaborative and action-oriented. It involves creating an ongoing two-way feedback loop which supports continuous learning and development for both managers and direct reports. Managers will learn how to give and receive feedback and how to normalise developmental conversations so they become part of the everyday way of working rather than an annual occurrence.
8. The GROW model of coaching
A coaching mindset is a developmental approach which managers can choose to adopt every day. Sometimes, however, a more purposeful coaching conversation might be useful. GROW is a simple and memorable model for managers who are new to the idea of coaching.
How long is the course?
It depends on how many tools you selected from the list above! Each tool takes about an hour, with extra time for an introduction, any breaks that are needed and a wrap-up. Choose one tool or add them together - three tools make up half a day, and five or six tools make up a full day.
What can you expect?
Interactive, thought-provoking training that can be virtual, face to face or a hybrid. We use a variety of methods to create learning that sticks: from activities and exercises in groups or individually, to e-learning, videos or further reading.
As a result of implementing A Coaching Mindset, here’s what managers will be thinking:
- I can maximise my personal effectiveness as a manager by adopting a coaching mindset
- I am growing the talent and capability of the team by delegating effectively
- I understand the importance of getting to know my people in order to create a happy and high-contributing work environment
Register your interest:
Drop us a line and let us know if a Coaching Mindset Programme is just what you need.
We'll get back to you with more information and some dates and times for a quick call.
Uncertain on what Course?
If you’re not sure where to start, our Manager/Leader Capability Diagnostic identifies and recommends the learning and development your managers need to fulfil their current role and future aspirations.