The Future is Now

How your organisation can prepare for the next technological leap using GAN Innovation

What is GAN Innovation and why does it matter?

Imagine a future where the technology that will shape our world, and change the way we develop and innovate, is still being discovered. Welcome to the world of Generation After Next (GAN) innovation, where tomorrow’s breakthroughs are already being imagined today.

Generation after Next (GAN) innovation, such as the smartphone which has radically changed the way we work and function in our daily lives, refers to a significant leap in capabilities, features or technological advancements that go beyond the current next-generation tech trends. It involves exploring technologies and innovations that are still in the early stages of research or development but have the potential to create a significant impact in the future. Each generational innovation leap marks a substantial progression from the previous one, often involving:

  1. Technological Advancements: Introduction of new technologies or materials that fundamentally change how systems are designed and operated.

  2. Operational Capabilities: Enhanced or entirely new functionalities that offer better performance, efficiency, or versatility.

  3. User Experience and Interface: Significant improvements in how users interact with the technology, making it more intuitive, efficient, or accessible.

Generations in innovation are not strictly bound by a specific timeline, instead, each generation is marked by qualitative changes that distinguish it from the previous one. However, it is possible to estimate timeframes for different technologies. For instance, in cyber technology, a new GAN concept innovation may emerge every 18 months, whereas for more complex systems, such as aircraft carriers or ships, the generational technology leap may take 40 to 50 years to occur!

How is GAN different from ANG?

Between the present and GAN (Generation After Next) lies what we call ‘Accelerated Next Generation’ or ANG. While GAN is about exploring the boundaries of what’s possible and preparing for long-term challenges and opportunities, ANG focuses on speeding up the timeline for near-future capabilities.

ANG innovations are often more attractive because they’re visible, predictable, and understandable. They are more appealing to work with and fit comfortably within our current understanding of the world. Humans are creatures of habit after all, we are more comfortable with evolution than revolution. However, while ANG can offer short-term gains, it doesn’t provide the same game-changing potential and transformative advantages as GAN.

Defining GAN Innovation

We can define GAN using the following lenses:

Time Horizon:

GAN innovation looks into the future, focusing on long-term goals rather than immediate solutions. It is often speculative or conceptual thinking and strategic foresight. The innovations that might take decades to fully materialise, such as quantum computing, which might revolutionise security systems but is still years from practical implementation. 

Uncertainty and Risk:

Due to its speculative nature, GAN innovations come with a high degree of uncertainty, as the technologies or concepts are not yet fully developed or understood. Innovations are typically in early research or theoretical phases, with unclear paths to implementation, making them risky due to their speculative nature and the longer development timeline. An example of this is self-sustaining AI ecosystems - what they could achieve is unpredictable, and innovators are still unsure how they’ll function in practice.

Nature of Innovation:

GAN emphasises radical or transformative changes that could fundamentally disrupt existing paradigms. It’s not about incremental improvements, but about breakthroughs that fundamentally reshape industries or systems. These innovations often emerge from cutting-edge research, emerging technologies, and exploratory projects. It requires a visionary approach, with a focus on potential rather than immediate practicality. In the defence sector, GAN innovation could involve the development of autonomous swarming drones that not only conduct reconnaissance but also coordinate real-time mission adjustments and decision-making using artificial intelligence.

Is your industry ready for the radical transformations GAN innovation could bring? Now is the time to ask how your organisation can position itself to lead in the next wave of breakthroughs. Investing in GAN today will give you a strategic advantage tomorrow.

Characteristics of GAN

How do you know it’s GAN Innovation? Let’s break it down by defining the five characteristics:

  1. It’s speculative and visionary: GAN innovations are all about thinking outside the box. They explore possibilities that push beyond today’s technology. If it feels like it’s still in the conceptual or theoretical stage, you’re probably looking at GAN.

  2. It’s radically transformative: We’re not talking about small tweaks or upgrades - GAN innovations are truly cutting-edge. They aim to completely reinvent how systems, industries, or processes work, they are big, bold breakthroughs that redefine existing systems.

  3. It comes with high uncertainty and risk: Since GAN deals with uncharted territory, there’s a lot of unknowns. Is it technically feasible? Will people accept it? Can it be regulated? These questions mean greater risk, but also higher potential rewards.

  4. It’s focused on the long-term: GAN isn’t about quick wins. These innovations take time to develop, sometimes years or decades, so patience and sustained investment is key. GAN innovations are about long-term impact, not short-term gains.

  5. It Requires Interdisciplinary Integration: GAN thrives on collaboration. To solve the complex problems it tackles, you need expertise from a variety of fields working together. The best GAN innovations come from a melting pot of diverse perspectives and skills.

If you can’t see it today, then it’s probably GAN innovation - and therein lies the challenge. How do you identify, shape, or lead something that is still taking form? How can you use emerging science and technology to develop the capabilities you’ll need in the future? One thing is certain, ignoring GAN because it’s risky or uncertain isn’t an option because your adversaries or competitors certainly won’t be.

Ready to shape the future?

GAN innovation is your opportunity to stay ahead of your competition and lead the next wave of transformation. Don’t wait until tomorrow’s breakthroughs are someone else’s success story. Whether you’re ready to begin shaping long-term strategies or just curious to learn more, get in touch with us. Treehouse has extensive experience in helping organisations to not only be part of the future - but to lead it.

See how Treehouse can help with Generation After Next concept creation.


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