Improve or Move?
Improve your prospects and build your brand
The start of a new year is when most people draw up a list of resolutions, effectively a wish list of things that this year (as opposed to previous years) they WILL achieve. With a spring in our step, we optimistically identify areas of our lives that we want to address and start a plan for self-improvement. They say the path to hell is paved with good intentions and in our zeal to improve everything all at once our professional lives rarely escape scrutiny.
How to positively evolve and influence people’s perception of you
If you are finding yourself questioning whether you are as motivated and engaged as you once were in your role, it might be time for a change. However, change doesn’t always mean leaving your current employer. The grass might be greener elsewhere but if you are not ready to make the leap, the change you are looking for might be closer to home.
Don’t move – improve!
After the two years of tumultuous change, you would have thought people would be craving the safety net of a known environment. Yet social media is awash with new year resolutions and for many a change of company or career is high on the list. It seems that in 2022 we are keen to purge more from our lives than the 3kg of Quality Street consumed over Christmas.
The reality is that the pandemic forced many of us into survival mode. Our daily routines were turned upside down, our homes, workplaces and schools all merged into the one crowded, noisy, chaotic space. We had to batten down the hatches and get through it. It was difficult but we coped and that has given many of us the confidence to take a step back, reassess and think about our professional goals and ambitions.
Look before you leap
As we mentioned in our previous blog, The Great Resignation, Covid has provided an opportunity for employees to reflect on their role, whether their skills are being put to good use, and explore a sense of their own value. Work occupies a huge part of our lives, and the pandemic has shown that we want to be part of something bigger and more meaningful. When looking for a change it’s tempting to think the answer lies in leaving for pastures new. Before making the leap it’s important to think about what it is you want to change. Are you looking to enrich your role or improve your promotion prospects or change career path altogether?
If you feel like something is holding you back, it could be your personal brand. The term ‘branding’ used to be reserved only for commercial businesses. However, in a digital world where many of us can be Googled to within an inch of our lives, our personal brand is something we should be mindful of. Most people are not intentional or thoughtful about what they stand for, or how they come across to others. If you feel stuck in a rut, overlooked, or under-appreciated developing your personal brand could help.
Building a strong personal brand
Your personal brand is the unique combination of skills and experiences that make you who you are. It is how you present yourself to the world and differentiate yourself from the crowd. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, was famously quoted as saying, “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.”
A personal brand is about making a lasting impression and connection with people. To do that, you need to represent yourself honestly and consistently. You can influence what people think of you by understanding how your behaviour and conduct affects those around you.
The process of building your personal brand will help you consider how you define your current place and where you want to be in the near-distant future. It helps determine who you are and where you are going. Without clear direction, you might get stuck in the rut of your current path.
Increase your visibility and reputation
Building your personal brand takes time and effort but it can change the way people perceive and respond to you; impacting how your team, peers and management view you. To understand your personal brand and how to evolve it in a positive direction, enrol today on our course.
Make 2022 the year you invest in yourself; it could be the best personal and professional new year’s resolution you have ever made - and stuck to!